12 January 2011 | By: -YenYi-

Skin BeautyBRAND'S® InnerShine® Prune Essence

Skin BeautyBRAND'S® InnerShine® Prune Essence

6x42g (1 unit for RM 25.90 2units for RM 51)

BRAND'S® InnerShine® Prune Essence is made from the finest quality California prunes. BRAND'S® InnerShine® Prune Essence is specially formulated to enhance overall inner well-being through the promotion of good intestinal health, which in turn translates to clear, beautiful skin.

It contains prebiotics (Oligofructose and Inulin) as well as fibre which promote a healthy digestive system, and Vitamin C, a key ingredient in maintaining skin elasticity and radiance.
InnerShine® Prune Essence also contains antioxidants naturally occurring in prunes – antioxidants protect cells from harmful free radicals in the body.

Wholesome and nutritious, one serving of InnerShine® Prune Essence provides 12% of the body’s daily fibre needs and is perfect supplement to one’s diet.
What’s more, with no added sugar, colouring or preservatives, there is really no better way to nourish and cleanse your body.

Recommended Consumption: One bottle daily every night.Ingredients: Prune concentrate, inulin, Oligofructose and Vitamin

CNet Weight: 6 bottles x 42ml



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